Dominica Island, The Ultimate Natural Place To Live - Travelogy


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Thursday, 7 September 2017

Dominica Island, The Ultimate Natural Place To Live

Dominica Island, The Ultimate Natural Place To Live

I have always dreamed of finding the ultimate natural place to live in, a place where I could be surrounded by trees and flowers and where the sun shone all the time. It seemed just a dream, but in 2008 I met the person who invited me to visit his homeland Dominica. I was planning to stay only one months, but it went to three months. I used to arrange my hotel and air tickets, I always use them because they offer best traveling deals. So I went there.

You might be wondering in which part of the world this country Dominicia is located. I did, too.

Before visiting there, I had no idea of the existence of this place. I have never heard of this hidden paradise with so much rich cultural history and traditions to share and learn from.

Dominica and the Dominican Republic, sometimes created confusion in the minds of people that they are same places but they are actually quite different. There are some differences that in my opinion are more obvious are that Dominica is a small island as compared to the Dominican Republic and that Spanish is not the language of local people, but they speak English and Creole (a mix between English, French, German and African). Dominica is quite backward as compared to the Dominican Republic in terms of infrastructure and entertainment facilities like parks, movie theaters, malls and so on.

Although Dominica is located in the Caribbean and it is a part of the Windward Islands, it is unique and stands out from its neighbor islands: It is much more quiet and peaceful (everything closes at 8 P.M. sharp), there are not luxury re-known hotels like the Hilton or the Eurobuilding, but instead there are small 5 stars hotels and villages that have nothing to envy from them, the air is fresher, and it is like you went 10 years back in time in comparison with other islands like Guadalupe, Barbados or Trinidad.

Being a city young lady (conceived in Venezuela capital city, Caracas) it has been a significant change for me to live in this casual, stunning island. I went from living in an encased house to an open homestead encompassed by nature and from holding up hours in movement to appreciate the quick and tranquil transport rides in Dominica, and I cherish it!

I live in the purported "blossom town" of Giraudel, which picked up its notoriety due to its inmense assortment of intriguing blooms that develop everywhere throughout the boulevards and around the houses because of the successive downpours and the prolific soil of the rainforest.

This town is encompassed by mountains so the climate is exceptionally cool, practically icy now and then and it rains regularly. The view from these slopes is a million dollar one! Having the capacity to watch the sun setting on the shoreline consistently is something I adore of living up here in this intriguing town.

Giraudel is around 20 minutes in a transport from the capital city of Roseau. The streets are bended and limit (one thing I trust they ought to enhance), so it sets aside a little opportunity to get used to, however it is all qualified to reach up and see the sun radiating through the tremendous trees that appreciated everyone.

Something else that I truly like about Giraudel is that it is an exceptionally vivid and splendid town. The villagers used to construct their homes with wood and even

today there are as yet wooden houses painted in green, orange, pink and a wide range of distinctive shades of hues you can envision.

A major piece of the villagers additionally plant their vegetables and natural products for them to eat and furthermore to pitch to the grocery stores, so you can at present find new for the most part natural sustenances even in there. The older folks of the town have made an awesome showing with regards to passing the case of cultivating to the more current eras which likewise raise chickens, rabbits, bovines and goats, and have an exceptionally characteristic method for living when all is said in done.

This "common" method for living has offered life span to a large number of the nationals here, some of them coming to the age of 110 years of age! I have seen a few older folks around the age of 80 that work as ranchers amid the day and after that go for a savor the night!

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